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  • Calls on Parties to designate competent authorities and focal points for the Convention, if they have not done so, and to submit such designations to the Secretariat, including any modifications or additions as they occur; Urges Parties to provide up-to-date contact details of competent authorities and focal points to the Secretariat to ensure the efficient transmission of information; Requests Parties that have designated multiple competent authorities to make sufficient information available regarding the functions and geographical area covered by each of its competent authorities; Invites non-Parties and interested organizations to identify contact persons for the Convention, if they have not done so, and to submit the relevant information to the Secretariat, including any modifications or additions as they occur; Requests the Secretariat to continue to maintain the list of competent authorities and focal points and to post it on the Secretariat's web site to facilitate communications concerning matters related to the Convention.
    يحث الأطراف على تزويد الأمانة بتفاصيل عناوين الاتصال الحديثة للسلطات المختصة وجهات الاتصال وذلك لضمان الكفاءة في إرسال المعلومات؛
  • The Conference of the Parties may wish to call upon Parties and non-Party Governments to transmit to the secretariat details of their preferred official channel of communication on non-administrative matters to ensure the efficient transmission of information, including any modifications or additions as they occur.
    قد يرغب مؤتمر الأطراف أن يدعو حكومات الأطراف وغير الأطراف إلى أن ترسل إلى الأمانة تفاصيل كاملة عن قنوات الاتصال الرسمية التي تفضلها وذلك لاستخدامها فيما يتعلق بالقضايا غير الإدارية وذلك لضمان كفاءة إرسال المعلومات، مع إرسال ما يطرأ عليها من تعديلات أو إضافات.